File Set-Up
Tips for getting your files right every time!
Full Colour Files
When sending in files for a full colour job, ensure that every aspect of your file is in CMYK. Remove any RGB or Spot Colours, in order to be certain of accurate colour for your final product.
Spot Colour Files
When creating a spot colour job, ensure that the only colours are your Pantone spots, and remove or convert any CMYK or RGB process colours.
Rich Black vs. Basic Black
In order to get your richest colour black, when creating a full colour job, avoid using the basic black (100% K), and instead use the following combination: C=20, M=20, Y=20, K=100. This is not recommended for type. It is most commonly used in large areas or blocks of black.
Bleed, Trim, & Live Area
Always understand the difference between bleed, trim and safe areas. See below for clarification:

Converting type to outlines
Ever experience getting back a file that you’ve sent to the printer, and all of your hard work of kerning and leading was for naught, because the font blew? In order to avoid this, change your text to outline for your printer-ready proof.
Always proof-read your work! Protect yourself, and avoid embarrassing blunders. Check your spelling, grammar, and always have your client sign off on your final piece!
Ensure all images are 300dpi for printing.
Please send all final files as PDFs, with crop marks and bleed. Wayside’s requirements are 1/8″ all around the document.
Download our templates to aid you in your file set-up.
Business Card
Business Card
Tri-Fold Brochure
8.5″ x 11″
Rack Card
4″ x 9″
#10 Envelope
No Bleed
Wall Calendar Ad Banner Template 11" × 1"
Contains IDML (InDesign), PSD (Photoshop) and PDF
Tent Calendar Ad Template 5.75” × 1”
Contains IDML (InDesign), PSD (Photoshop) and PDF
Have Questions?
Contact our Design/Prepress department, Monday to Friday: 1.800.663.6432.